Human Rights Watch – Just Another America and Israel Bashing Liberal Organization

The article at the Jerusalem Post notes:

Seventeen blown apart shopping in Istanbul; eight children gunned down at a Jerusalem school; 58 slaughtered in front of the Indian Embassy in Kabul. These are just some examples of the terrorist atrocities that plagued the world in the past year. Yet NGO superpower Human Rights Watch, winner of this year’s UN Prize for Human Rights, did not find these incidents of mass murder and violations of the most sacred of human rights, the right to life, significant enough to merit a single comment. Instead, it spends millions attacking Western democracies for doing their best to protect civil liberties and fight terror in an age where its perpetrators have no respect for human life and are driven purely by hate and religious fanaticism.

Just another leftist anti-American, anti-Israel, pro-selfhateing bunch.  You go to their website just today (find it on your own – I don’t want to give them any help) and there are links about how US Trade shouldn’t actually expand (and therefore make everyone in the world better off), bashing Israel over Palestinian land rights (and saying nothing about the murder of Jews by Palestinians at all), blah blah blah blah.  Pick your liberal shibboleth and there is your link.

Just as Amnesty International is concerned only with American violations of terrorist rights, so Human Rights Watch becomes yet nother turd in the bucket of liberal organizations.

The Merrill Lynch Marxist

Here’s an obituary from the Democratic Communist People’s Republic Pravda:

Third-party political activist Peter Camejo, a perennial candidate for state and national office who helped pioneer the financial market niche of socially responsible investments, died Saturday. He was 68.

He helped found the California Green Party in 1991 and ran three times for governor of California. He also ran as independent Ralph Nader’s vice presidential running mate in the 2004 presidential election in which President Bush won a second term. In 1976 he ran for president as the Socialist Workers Party candidate.

Mr. Camejo described himself as a watermelon – red on the inside, green on the outside.

OK – so here’s somebody who was admittedly a Communist/Socialist – who actually RAN as the Socialist Workers Party candidate for President in 1976.  Now who was running from the Democrat side in 1976? Here’s a little tidbit from the current Socialist Workers Party obit:

Peter used the campaign to fight for the idea that the great historical stumbling block to the building of any genuine revolutionary alternative organization was the misplaced hope that the Democratic Party could be taken over by the left and used as a vehicle to advance toward socialism.

Surprisingly, even among socialists in the U.S. in the 1960s and 1970s, this idea was in the minority, as the Communist Party, many Maoist groups and the forerunners of the Democratic Socialists of America (DSA)–Sen. Bernie Sanders being their most prominent member–backed Democrat Jimmy Carter for president.

So this person who believed that the Democrats were too “reactionary” to implement a true revolution in the United States then does what?  Well, first he decides to get a job with Merrill Lynch:

Matt Gonzalez, a former San Francisco supervisor who is running for vice president with Nader as an independent, said that Mr. Camejo once told him that when he interviewed for his job at Merrill Lynch, “the only thing that was true on my resume was my name and phone number.”

And he ended up his life as a capitalist fund manager – but it was GREEN!

Mr. Camejo earned his living as a financier and helped start an investment firm, Progressive Management Asset Inc. in Oakland. Clients can arrange their portfolios so that their investments, for example, are not linked to animal testing, weapons or sweatshop labor.

So we say adieu to someone who provably spent his life working for the overthrow of America and Democracy.  And please note – founder of the California Green Party.  A self-described Watermelon.  Thereby giving us further information about why opposing the EcoFreaks is also a good idea.

Someone who’s whole life was given over to everything I personally oppose.  And will continue to work in opposition.

And this self-described environmentalist fraud and communist is lauded in the pages of a “major” newspaper?  Sort of tells one where their sensibilities lie too.

There Just Isn’t a Draft – Dangit!

Can’t you just hear the frustation of the angry, dissatisfied leftie in this little missive:

The apparent indifference in the voters to the fact that we torture tells me that people are not paying attention to what our country does. And the support of the Iraq war suggests that most families remain untouched, since our soldiers are all volunteers.

But has anyone considered the possibility that if we continue on this path, the military draft will return?

Our country was aroused to protest the Vietnam War because all had to serve. Democracy can only survive if the voters inform themselves about the issues and the candidates.


San Francisco

I’ll make a little guess and say that with the name Marjorie this person is of the female persuasion.  Interesting how she can say that all had to serve when she was never, ever subject to the draft.  So right away it was possible for her to attend Bezerkley and smoke dope and put flowers in her hair and march against the war – she was never subject to service.  In fact all the smelly, dope-smoking idiots at college during that time, men and women, were exempt from the draft.  Again – what was that about all having to serve?

Lots of people were subject to the draft – men only – and lots of men and women also volunteered to serve their country knowing that a war was on and that they might be killed.  Just as lots of men and women stand up and volunteer today with the same prospect.

It wasn’t the fact that there was a draft that ultimately lost the war.  It was the fact that America lost its will and decided they could just abandon our allies and the sacrifice of our soldiers.  But right up to today you can talk to those who served and while they admit that they were not lead and used in a way that allowed America to win, the vast majority are proud of their service.

But you and your anti-war idiots did accomplish something with your cheering for the Communist dictators who were killing our own sons – you were able to get America to lose a war.  To sacrifice all that blood and treasure and then literally turn our backs on the South Vietnamese in their time of ultimate sacrifice and watch them be slaughtered.  While the Democrat Congress purposely voted to refuse them the money and arms that they wished to fight on their own.

And you want to do the same exact thing today.  And as long as I have breath I will do everything I can to make sure you do not.

Chucklehead Media Maven

Rescued from captivity where he was essentially starved. And his reaction?

CBS News journalist Richard Butler said he believes he was kidnapped in Iraq by policemen with sympathies toward the Hezbollah but isn’t entirely sure who held him captive for two months or why.

Butler, a British journalist kidnapped with his interpreter on Feb. 10, was rescued by Iraqi troops on April 14 when he was found with a sack over his head in a house in Basra.

Butler said he felt it was better to be kidnapped in Iraq then taken into custody by Americans in Afghanistan.

“I was pleased I wasn’t being mortarboarded in Guantanamo or being held for six and a half years like an Al-Jazeera cameraman, for instance,” he said.

I tend to believe that mortarboarding is just someone misunderstanding waterboarding – unless the CIA has come up with a way to pound gypsum dust into the noses of these murdering turds at Gitmo.

But could there be any greater representation of the absolute anti-Americanism of the media?  And then they will 100% deny any sort of bias in their reporting.  Honestly – its too bad they found this idiot.  Better to let him experience the tender mercies of the Hezbos.


It was waterboarding – went to cbsnews:

 Pizzey: You were saying it is better to be kidnapped by Shi’ites in southern Iraq than by Americans in Afghanistan.

Butler: I was pleased I wasn’t being waterboarded in Guantanamo or being held for six and a half years like an al Jazeera cameraman, for instance.

He’s still an anti-American donk too.