Some 2010 Top 10’s

Top 10 Books

  1. I Shall Wear Midnight – Terry Pratchett
  2. Bloodlands – Timothy Snyder
  3. Decision Points – George W. Bush
  4. The Big Short – Michael Lewis
  5. Changes – Dresden Files Book 12 – Jim Butcher
  6. American Assassin – Vince Flynn
  7. Merchant Kings – Stephen Bown
  8. One Second After – William Forstchen

Most overhyped book of 2010 – Freedom by Jonathan Franzen – by a wide, wide, wide margin


Top 10 TV Shows You Aren’t Watching But Should

  1. The Good Guys – Fox
  2. Pawn Stars – History Channel
  3. Top Gear – BBC America
  4. Burn Notice – USA Network
  5. American Pickers – History Channel
  6. Human Target – Fox
  7. The Defenders – CBS
  8. Castle – ABC
  9. Psych – USA Network
  10. In Plain Sight – USA Network

Only TV comedy at which you might actually laugh – The Big Bang Theory

Most Disgusting TV Reflection on the Decline of  American Civilization – Cougar Town


Top 10 Movies

  1. zippety doo-dah – there’s nothing we even want to buy the dvd of


Top 10 Signs of the Apocylypse

  1. There is more outrage over Michael Vick and dogs than the millions of babies killed every year in this country
  2. I know about Snooki and The Situation and I’ve never, ever, ever watched a second of Jersey Shore
  3. People still are spouting off about how smart The Least Experienced Man to Ever Be Elected President is
  4. Corruptocrat Charlie Rangel gets a standing O from the Democrats after being Censured
  5. Obamacare
  6. John Edwards has the gall to show up at Elizabeth Edward’s funeral
  7. Keith Olbercrazy is still considered to be a “newsman”
  8. The Denver Broncos
  9. “We can’t just rely on the parents”,  Michelle Obama
  10. North Korea is not a glow-in-the-dark example of American “moderation”

Least Surprising News of 2010 – California faces multi-billion dollar budget hole

Most Surprising News of 2010 – 63 seat wipeout is just ho-hum for a week or so and then back to “Democrats in Charge”



And Let’s Hope This Is Another Coffin Nail For an ex-Senator Bennet

The majority of Americans don’t want Obamacare.  The majority of Coloradans don’t want Obamacare.  So what does Colorado’s appointed Senator want?

Four Senate Democrats wrote Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.), asking him to revive the public option in the Senate’s healthcare bill.Sen. Michael Bennet (D-Colo.) called on Reid to reintroduce the public option into the healthcare debate through the budget reconciliation process, which would short-circuit filibuster rules and allow Democrats to pass a bill with a simple majority in the Senate.

“Although we strongly support the important reforms made by the Senate-passed health reform package, including a strong public option would improve both its substance and the public’s perception of it,” Bennet wrote to Reid in a letter cosigned by Sens. Kirsten Gillibrand (D-N.Y.), Jeff Merkley (D-Ore.), and Sherrod Brown (D-Ohio).

So cramming something the American people want down their throats is soon to be ex-Senator Bennet’s idea of a campaign strategy.  And let’s make sure to start on this path to “nationalization of US healthcare” by bypassing normal Senate rules and doing it through a budget reconciliation process.

I certainly hope that Colorado knocks this schmuck down.  And its funny, because if he gets what he wants you can almost guarantee he will get booted.  If the whole Obamacare fiasco fades into the mists he might have a better chance.

Ram It Down Our Throats

The only conclusion that can be reached from recent events is that the Democrats have decided to commit electorial seppuku in order to put the mailed fingers of government around the throats of  the American people.

The more that they actually have to define what “health care reform” means in actual words, the more the support for the idea drops like a stone in a well.  Its really easy to spin wonderful rhetoric of “hope and change”.  Its a completely different thing to start defining your monthly abortion tax and creating death panels.

But as of this afternoon, Harry Reid is calling for Senate Democrats to rally to the cause the vote to shut down all further debate on anything.

I wonder how many pages are in the Senate version of “reform”?

Clinton to Join Obamamessiah Administration

Iowahawk has the details:

WASHINGTON DC – Ending weeks of speculation and rumors, President-Elect Barack Obama today named Bill Clinton to join his incoming administration as President of the United States, where he will head the federal government’s executive branch.

“I am pleased that Bill Clinton has agreed to come out of retirement to head up this crucial post in my administration,” said Obama. “He brings a lifetime of previous executive experience as Governor of Arkansas and President of the United States, and has worked closely with most of the members of my Cabinet.”

Clinton said he was “excited and honored” by the appointment, and would work “day and night” to defeat all the key policy objectives proposed by Mr. Obama during the campaign.

Clinton 2008

Thank You Sarah Palin

From Right Wing News – and my card of thanks is already on its way:

Public service can be thankless work if you’re a conservative who lives the values. Your very existence is viewed as a threat to the power brokers and the entrenched smarty-pants set. This country is still a Republic governed by and for the people. I thought it might be nice to let Sarah Palin know that her valiant efforts to get John McCain elected did not go unnoticed and that she’s supported by the people who matter–the voters.

Here is her address:

Alaska State Capitol Building
Third Floor
P.O. Box 110001
Juneau, AK 99811-0001

What a disappointment – No Brown Note in Denver

What a shame that the city of Denver had to go and tell the American Criminal Liberties Union this:

Denver city officials on Wednesday sought to set to rest rumors about police equipment for the Democratic National Convention, saying they would not be buying devices that would incapacitate unruly protesters with sound waves or other out-of-the-ordinary technology, The (Denver) Rocky Mountain News reported Thursday.

Rumors had circulated that the city was interested in buying a system that, using sound waves, could cause people to lose control of their bowels. Because of the intended use of the system, it has been dubbed as the “brown note” in some corners.

But why are the Denver Police telling the Advanced Crime Litigious Union this information?  Well, even before the convention this bunch is just expecting that somebody’s civil liberties will be trampled and they are planning on pre-suing the city for some unspecified reason:

The paper reported that the city provided to the American Civil Liberties Union an accounting of its secretive security plans for the August convention as part of a deal to delay a lawsuit against the city; the ACLU sued the city in May to pry more information about the $18 million plans to beef up security following protesters’ concerns.

Extortion – what a wonderful concept.  Funny how the ACLU gets to pre-sue just based on their expectations.

Quote of the Day – Possible Quote of the Year

Rick Moran at Right Wing Nuthouse has a great one at the start of his article on the Obamamessiah’s decision to haul in the cash in great big sweaty wads for the election campaign:

The Obamabots could care less what their candidate says or does. He could be caught tomorrow in a bathtub, naked, with Larry Sinclair, puffing away on a crack pipe while getting serviced by 3 Boy Scouts and 2 altar boys and they’d still think he was the bee’s knees.

Top 10 Reasons We Will Miss Hillary

From Frank J at IMAO:


10. That special way our soul aches every time we see her.

9. The way her laugh rid the neighborhood of stray cats.

8. How her smile melts steel.

7. When she said she’d obliterate a country, you knew she meant it.

6. How, despite all the trouble he’s caused, she’s spared the life of her husband because she still loves him.

5. The way she referred to babies as “fresh souls” as if she were talking about produce.

4. How in her debates with Obama, you could see in her eyes that she was truly plotting to kill him.

3. When she went to YearlyKos, the Kos Kids would scatter and hide under furniture like cockroaches.

2. How she’d fight for universal healthcare despite the fact that you knew in her heart she wouldn’t care if we all died.

And the number one thing we’ll miss about Hillary Clinton…

It was nice to know there was at least one Democrat out there with balls.