Robot Bartender


This guy goes into a bar in Louisiana where there’s a robot tending the bar.
The robot says, “What will you have?”
The guy says, “Whiskey.”
The robot brings back his drink and says to the man, “What’s your IQ?”
The guy says,” 168.” The robot then proceeds to talk about physics, space
exploration and current medical technology.
The guy leaves, . . . but, he is curious . . . So he goes back into the
bar. The robot bartender says, “What will you have?”
The guy says, “Whiskey.”
Again, the robot brings the man his drink and says, “What’s
your IQ?”
The guy says, “100.” The robot then starts to talk about Budweiser, the Saints,
the Washington Redskins and the Oakland Raiders.The guy leaves, but finds it very interesting, so he decides to try it one more time.
He goes back into the bar. The robot says, “What will you have?”
The guy says, “Whiskey,” and the robot brings him his
whiskey. The robot then says, “What’s your IQ?”
The guy says, “Uh………..’bout 50.The robot leans in real close and says, “Sooooo, . . . You people
still happy with Obama?”

Today’s Culture

This is a picture of a “young woman” who – while on a company sponsored trip to Washington DC – visited the Tomb of the Unknowns at Arlington National Cemetery and had this picture taken of herself.  She then posted this picture on her Facebook page.  I am so angry I can’t even put it into words, but The Other McCain does it well here.

So  here is everything about today’s culture in one picture.  The “me, me ,me” self-indulgence that seems to be everyone’s right, the absolute ignorance of the pain and sacrifice she mocks, the inability to understand why this hurts and angers those of us who still respect our country and its heritage–all of it.  And probably an Obama voter – she is from Plymouth, MA.

Just Don’t Mention the J-Word

Now if he had mentioned Mohammad:

A North Carolina pastor was relieved of his duties as an honorary chaplain of the state house of representatives after he closed a prayer by invoking the name of Jesus.

“I got fired,” said Ron Baity, pastor of Berean Baptist Church in Winston-Salem. He had been invited to lead prayer for an entire week but his tenure was cut short when he refused to remove the name Jesus from his invocation.

Baity’s troubles began during the week of May 31. He said a House clerk asked to see his prayer. The invocation including prayers for our military, state lawmakers and a petition to God asking him to bless North Carolina.”

“When I handed it to the lady, I watched her eyes and they immediately went right to the bottom of the page and the word Jesus,” he told FOX News Radio. “She said ‘We would prefer that you not use the name Jesus. We have some people here that can be offended.’”

When Baity protested, she brought the matter to the attention of House Speaker Joe Hackney – a Democrat.

Talking About Hunting Is Verboten

Just when you think the weenie factor of Vermont couldn’t get any higher, there is this:

BENNINGTON — Saying their son was “silenced” by his teacher for talking about hunting in the classroom, the parents of a fourth-grade student at North Bennington Graded School took their son out of school and have taken their case to the local school board.

Jared Harrington’s mother, Wendy Bordwell, and his father, Martin Harrington, removed their son from school with 10 days left in the school year and home-schooled the 10-year-old boy.

I think they might be on to something about their kid being singled out by the teacher:
Bordwell said in a telephone interview that she believed her son was “singled out” by Kathleen Backus, Jared’s teacher, while talking about hunting with a schoolmate.

Bordwell said that, during snack time, Jared was discussing the recent spring turkey hunting season with a classmate when Backus interrupted the conversation, insisting that there be no talk of “killing” in her classroom.

“The breaking point for us, his parents, came when Jared was sharing a conversation during his free period snack time at school. He was talking with a friend about the recent spring 2008 turkey season. Both boys had been out hunting with their dads and Jared was asking his friend where he had gotten his first turkey.
“Jared’s teacher covered her ears, trying to block the conversation, and singing ‘la la la la.’ When asked by another school employee about her odd behavior, the teacher claimed she did not want to hear about the boys and their ‘killing.’ The boys were left feeling that they were not legitimate hunters, but ‘killers’ in the eyes of an important authority figure in their lives,” Bordwell said.

What?  I can't hear you.  La La La La La

What? I can't hear you. La La La La La

What a wonderful and adult thing for a teacher to do.  Standing around with her fingers in her ears.  It seems like his parents made a good choice to home school their child.  After all, this supposed adult only retaliated against an 11 year old boy by:

After Jared’s parents decided to take up the matter with the school board, Backus assigned 137 pages of homework for the boy.
Especially with this little zinger from the school principal:

School Principal Thomas Martin said he is confident the administration and the school board “can reach a reasonable understanding” among the parties involved in the matter.
“It’s not a huge issue,” Martin said in an interview. “Marty is a good kid and Kathleen is a good teacher. The focus is on the kid. We want to try to meet his needs. Kathy cares a great deal about kids. She’s troubled a great deal about this.”

Martin said the issue is neither “black and white or right and wrong. It’s more complicated than that. It’s brushing up against a number of things that are important to a lot of people and issues relating to the classroom. Emotions start to feed into it when people’s belief systems come into play,” he said.

Defending this teacher by saying this issue isn’t right or wrong?  There’s the American education system bringing down our civilization.

Facist Feminism

Seen with Sarah Palin, seen in their absolute silence on the misogyny of Islamofacism, seen in their silence on the cultural practice of female genital mutilation (female circumcision), and on and on.

Feminism apparently means being a socialist slut to women like Jessica Valenti.

clipped from
OK, so there are a whopping seven pharmacies certified by PFLI. It means the pharmacy won’t dispense the morning-after pill, and in some cases, any contraception at all. This is apparently very, very anti-woman… because, you know, all women care about is accessibility to the morning-after pill and easy contraception! Not only does this make these pharmacists anti-woman, but it makes them “extremist liars”… all for following their own principles and values in the workplace.
Now, here’s where we get into the fun part. What Jessica, that little sweetykins, is basically saying is that pharmacists should not be allowed to run their pharmacies how they choose, all because she has a disagreement about what medicines they should and should not be dispensing.
If Americans are so concerned about the accessibility of contraceptives and the morning-after pill, the pharmacies that refuse to carry them will go out of business.
Modern day feminism does not stand for choice.
blog it

Europe – Person and non-Person

Thanks to Moonbattery:

The European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg has agreed to hear the case of Matthew, a chimpanzee whom animal rights fanatics want officially declared as a person — a crucial step toward the day welfare benefits can be collected on behalf of animals, not to mention human–animal marriages.

