
So far I have seen the following people/groups blamed for the shootings in Tuscon:

  • Sarah Palin
  • Rush Limbaugh
  • The Tea Party
  • “Uncivil” people
  • Fox News
  • Glenn Beck
  • Sean Hannity
  • Bill O’Reilly
  • Republicans
  • Conservatives
  • Conservative Republicans
  • Libertarians
  • Gun Nuts
  • 10th Ammendment Supporters
  • Birthers
  • Michelle Bachman
  • John Boehner
  • Newt Gingrich
  • Jan Brewer

And I’m sure the list is very incomplete and will continue to have additions in the weeks and months ahead.

I’d like to point out two things.  First, this kid obviously had mental illness problems.  That is all over his background, including the fact that two different schools refused to let him attend without a mental exam and clearance.  He apparently existed on pot, which is always a good thing to help schizophrenia (NOT!).  In the past, we used to segregate those who were a threat to themselves and others from regular society in order to protect the sick person and society.  However, our twisted, politically correct America now puts everybody at risk rather than possibly, maybe incarcerate 1 single person who might not be as sick as everybody else.  Well, the “we don’t need asylums” people have lots of blood on their hands.

And secondly, there is one person/group that I know is responsible:

Liberal Fairy Tales

The modern take on some old ideas:

  • The socio-economically advantaged young woman and the pea
  • The visually challenged duckling and how stereotypes hurt us all
  • Goldilocks and her hurtful imperialist exploitation of 3 harmless bears
  • The pigmentally challenged lady and 7 vertically challenged men who are still fully capable individuals in their own right
  • The capitalist explotation and degredation of Rumpelstiltskin
  • Rapunzel and the negative body images of today’s young women
  • Sleeping Beauty and the environmentally unfriendly use of apples
  • The old woman who lived in a shoe and was deined access to proper pregnancy counseling and health care
  • Hansel and Gretel and their lack of compassion for women of a certain age
  • Jack and Jill and the heartbreaking lack of government supported health care for uninsured individuals who fall down

Detroit or Mogadishu?

clipped from
Can you distinguish the most liberal city in America, ruled by the hard-left for forty years, from a third-world hellhole devastated by two decades of civil war?

1. Detroit or Mogadishu?

1. Detroit or Mogadishu?

2. Mogadishu or Detroit?

2. Mogadishu or Detroit?

3. Detroit or Mogadishu?

3. Detroit or Mogadishu?

4. Mogadishu or Detroit?

4. Mogadishu or Detroit?

5. Detroit or Mogadishu?

5. Detroit or Mogadishu?

6. Mogadishu or Detroit?

6. Mogadishu or Detroit?

7. Detroit or Mogadishu?

7. Detroit or Mogadishu?

8. Mogadishu or Detroit?

8. Mogadishu or Detroit?

9. Detroit or Mogadishu?

9. Detroit or Mogadishu?

10. Mogadishu or Detroit?

10. Mogadishu or Detroit?

Answers: Mogadishu – 1,3,5,7,9; Detroit – 2,4,6,8,10
blog it

The Truth About Liberalism

I’ve been chewing over this wonderful little missive from the socialism according to David Sirota:

I know I should be mortified by the lobbyist-organized mobs of angry Brooks Brothers mannequins who are now making headlines by shutting down congressional town hall meetings. I know I should be despondent during this, the Khaki Pants Offensive in the Great American Health Care and Tax War. And yet, I’m euphorically repeating one word over and over again with a big grin on my face.


Finally, there’s no pretense. Finally, the Me-First, Screw-Everyone-Else Crowd’s ugliest traits are there for all to behold.

Let’s run through the list:

1.  denigration of protesters who are too well dressed – check

2. setting up strawman that opposing socialism and healthcare takover by Obama and the government is simply selfishness – check

3. implication that only those who want to steal somebody else’s money to “give” “free” “healthcare” to those who won’t pay for it – check

Its very rare that liberals will flat come out and say so clearly that a) you have something they want and b) they will steal it from you at the barrel of a gun.

What They Will Scream: But 38.5 percent is disproportionately high! See? You’ve proved that the rich “contribute more than their share” of taxes!

What You Should Say: Actually, they are paying almost exactly “their share.” According to the data, the wealthiest 5 percent of America pays 38.5 percent of the total taxes precisely because they make just about that share — a whopping 36.5 percent! — of total national income.

Note that a) this admits that the ‘rich’ are already paying a disproportionate share of taxes and b) these stats don’t include the complete and utter rape that will occur if the Democrat plan as proposed in the house passes.

So if you want to actually keep the money you earn – and note he’s saying that whatever you are paying now its not enough – you are just a Me-First Selfish person.

Of course, he reveals himself as a thief, but that’s the truth of liberalism.<.p>