2008 – Idiot Liberal Quotes of the Year

1.  Idiot Dictator Quote of the year:

Naomi Cambell interviews Hugo Chavez

Elsewhere, Chavez found time to defend Venezuela’s human rights record and vaunt his country’s oil reserves, but also gave his views on less weighty matters like fashion, pop music and the British royal family.

Cuba’s Fidel Castro was the world’s most stylish leader, he said (“His uniform is impeccable. His boots are polished. His beard is elegant”), he was aware of the newly-reformed Spice Girls and admired Britain’s Prince Charles.

He also refused to rule out following Russian President Vladimir Putin’s example and posing for topless photographs. “Why not? Touch my muscles,” he reportedly told the supermodel.



2.  Hillary Doozy of the Year

ABC News’ Eloise Harper Reports: Senator Hillary Clinton, in an interview with ABC News’ Cynthia McFadden for ABC News’ Nightline, was asked about President Clinton’s controversial comments about race and Senator Obama  in the past weeks. Clinton apologized for her husband.

“I think whatever he said which was certainly never intended to cause any kind of offense to anyone,” Clinton said, “if it did give offenses then I take responsibility and I’m sorry about that.”

“Can you control him?” asked McFadden.

“Oh of course,” Clinton replied.

The Loving Father and Husband

The Loving Father and Husband


3.  The “Reach Out to the Other Side” Quote of 2008

I Hate Republicans:

I hate the Republican Party and everything it stands for, including, but not limited to, its interest in denying women reproductive health rights, denying children the right to legally recognized two parent homes if their parents are gay, and their not-so-subtle “be afraid of anyone who isn’t pasty white” message.

But I’ve learned to HATE with a passion that I never knew prior to the November 2000 Election, and I will *never* forget it.

Republicans are Evil, and I hate them.



4.  The “I Just Hate People Except for My Six Children” Quote of 2008 – With an Added Bonus Globaloney Warming Kicker

TED TURNER: Not doing it will be catastrophic. We’ll be eight degrees hottest in ten, not ten but 30 or 40 years and basically none of the crops will grow. Most of the people will have died and the rest of us will be cannibals. Civilization will have broken down. The few people left will be living in a failed state — like Somalia or Sudan — and living conditions will be intolerable. The droughts will be so bad there’ll be no more corn grown. Not doing it is suicide. Just like dropping bombs on each other, nuclear weapons is suicide. We’ve got to stop doing the suicidal two things, which are hanging on to our nuclear weapons and after that we’ve got to stabilize the population. When I was born-

CHARLIE ROSE: So what’s wrong with the population?

TURNER: We’re too many people. That’s why we have global warming. We have global warming because too many people are using too much stuff. If there were less people, they’d be using less stuff.



5.  “All My Liberal Friends Say I’m Completely Unbiased” Award

ABC Media Hack shills now for Obama

“I do like McCain and the people around him, and I consider him still to be a friend. But I have fundamental differences with John McCain on the issues and always have. I don’t have any problem criticizing John McCain….It was no secret to the reporters around me that I have Democratic-leaning views. But they said I was always fair.”
— Former ABC and CBS reporter Linda Douglass, now a spokeswoman for Barack Obama, as quoted by the Washington Post’s Howard Kurtz in a June 16 profile.



6.  Media Twit of the Year

CBS News journalist Richard Butler said he believes he was kidnapped in Iraq by policemen with sympathies toward the Hezbollah but isn’t entirely sure who held him captive for two months or why.

Butler, a British journalist kidnapped with his interpreter on Feb. 10, was rescued by Iraqi troops on April 14 when he was found with a sack over his head in a house in Basra.

Butler said he felt it was better to be kidnapped in Iraq then taken into custody by Americans in Afghanistan.

“I was pleased I wasn’t being mortarboarded in Guantanamo or being held for six and a half years like an Al-Jazeera cameraman, for instance,” he said.


The Media and Obama and Pastors

clipped from hotair.com

Let’s get this straight.  The Left shrugged at Obama’s twenty years of alliance with a minister who spouted an infamous “God Damn America”.  They sniffed when Jeremiah Wright called 9/11 “America’s chickens coming home to roost”.  They may have even nodded their heads in agreement when the pastor to whom Obama gave over $20,000 in 2006 accused the US government of creating the HIV virus and AIDS as a genocidal tool against people of color.

However, Rick Warren offers public support for a California proposition that keeps marriage defined as his faith prescribes, and suddenly Obama has betrayed their trust.  Really?  They see a one-time association over a 60-second invocation as a betrayal of their values, when Obama’s twenty years with, and significant material support for, a raving anti-American demagogue like Wright didn’t disturb them in the least?

At least we know where their values lie.

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Introducing The All New “Progressive” Auto Lineup For 2010!

2008 Government-Subsidized Auto Show

A Car Czar must be appointed to distribute cash to our automobile industry so that we can protect it from the Capitalist evil of competition.

To highlight the urgent need for these measures and to emphasize the many successes of government-run automaking, we present the 2008 Government-Subsidized Auto Show.

“Every car came with a rear defroster to keep your hands warm as you pushed the car…” A triumph of Communist engineering!!!

Now get out there and make Socialist cars for the Party bosses!


clipped from directorblue.blogspot.com

Hat tip: People’s Cube. Linked by: American Digest. Thanks!
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Astute Students Step Up, Save The Day . . .

Teen Heroes: Three Students Stop Bus After Driver Passes Out
clipped from www.woio.com

Auburn Township, OH – Three Geauga County students deemed heroes after preventing a school bus from careening out of control Thursday morning.

It happened just after 8AM at Auburn & Bartholomew Roads in Auburn Township.

The bus driver fell ill – possibly a diabetic reaction – and slumped over while transporting Notre Dame students.

One boy immediately called his father for advice from his cell phone while the other two boys raced to the front of the bus – one grabbed the wheel while the other jammed on the brakes.

19 Action News has learned the bus driver will be fine.

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Hard To Be Humble

  • “President-elect Barack Obama will arrive [in Washington] for his inauguration by train from Philadelphia, making a journey with echoes of the Founding Fathers and Abraham Lincoln.”–USA Today, Dec. 16
  • ” ‘I don’t think that Americans want hubris from their next president,’ Obama told TIME for the Person of the Year issue.”–MSNBC.com, Dce. 17

Obama’s First Miracle

clipped from www.riehlworldview.com

Obama’s First Miracle: LA Times Declares “Obama Clears Himself and Staff”

Yes, that is the actual LAT’s headline. I’m not saying I actually think Obama did do anything wrong. But time was when the media prided itself on its skeptcism regarding performances like the one Obama is putting on.

Still, the media had better take the blinders off. Power is what power is and it often does what’s important to itself, using that power for self-preservation no matter what.

If the media does not scrutinize this administration and hold them up to the standards they would hold any Republican counterpart, somewhere down the line someone is going to take advantage of it.

It is Washington,DC, after all – not Camelot, no matter how much these people want to pretend that it is. Forget honeymoon, some outlets look as though they are willing to pay to send Obama and company on a delightful four year cruise.

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Human Rights Watch – Just Another America and Israel Bashing Liberal Organization

The article at the Jerusalem Post notes:

Seventeen blown apart shopping in Istanbul; eight children gunned down at a Jerusalem school; 58 slaughtered in front of the Indian Embassy in Kabul. These are just some examples of the terrorist atrocities that plagued the world in the past year. Yet NGO superpower Human Rights Watch, winner of this year’s UN Prize for Human Rights, did not find these incidents of mass murder and violations of the most sacred of human rights, the right to life, significant enough to merit a single comment. Instead, it spends millions attacking Western democracies for doing their best to protect civil liberties and fight terror in an age where its perpetrators have no respect for human life and are driven purely by hate and religious fanaticism.

Just another leftist anti-American, anti-Israel, pro-selfhateing bunch.  You go to their website just today (find it on your own – I don’t want to give them any help) and there are links about how US Trade shouldn’t actually expand (and therefore make everyone in the world better off), bashing Israel over Palestinian land rights (and saying nothing about the murder of Jews by Palestinians at all), blah blah blah blah.  Pick your liberal shibboleth and there is your link.

Just as Amnesty International is concerned only with American violations of terrorist rights, so Human Rights Watch becomes yet nother turd in the bucket of liberal organizations.

Talking About Hunting Is Verboten

Just when you think the weenie factor of Vermont couldn’t get any higher, there is this:

BENNINGTON — Saying their son was “silenced” by his teacher for talking about hunting in the classroom, the parents of a fourth-grade student at North Bennington Graded School took their son out of school and have taken their case to the local school board.

Jared Harrington’s mother, Wendy Bordwell, and his father, Martin Harrington, removed their son from school with 10 days left in the school year and home-schooled the 10-year-old boy.

I think they might be on to something about their kid being singled out by the teacher:
Bordwell said in a telephone interview that she believed her son was “singled out” by Kathleen Backus, Jared’s teacher, while talking about hunting with a schoolmate.

Bordwell said that, during snack time, Jared was discussing the recent spring turkey hunting season with a classmate when Backus interrupted the conversation, insisting that there be no talk of “killing” in her classroom.

“The breaking point for us, his parents, came when Jared was sharing a conversation during his free period snack time at school. He was talking with a friend about the recent spring 2008 turkey season. Both boys had been out hunting with their dads and Jared was asking his friend where he had gotten his first turkey.
“Jared’s teacher covered her ears, trying to block the conversation, and singing ‘la la la la.’ When asked by another school employee about her odd behavior, the teacher claimed she did not want to hear about the boys and their ‘killing.’ The boys were left feeling that they were not legitimate hunters, but ‘killers’ in the eyes of an important authority figure in their lives,” Bordwell said.

What?  I can't hear you.  La La La La La

What? I can't hear you. La La La La La

What a wonderful and adult thing for a teacher to do.  Standing around with her fingers in her ears.  It seems like his parents made a good choice to home school their child.  After all, this supposed adult only retaliated against an 11 year old boy by:

After Jared’s parents decided to take up the matter with the school board, Backus assigned 137 pages of homework for the boy.
Especially with this little zinger from the school principal:

School Principal Thomas Martin said he is confident the administration and the school board “can reach a reasonable understanding” among the parties involved in the matter.
“It’s not a huge issue,” Martin said in an interview. “Marty is a good kid and Kathleen is a good teacher. The focus is on the kid. We want to try to meet his needs. Kathy cares a great deal about kids. She’s troubled a great deal about this.”

Martin said the issue is neither “black and white or right and wrong. It’s more complicated than that. It’s brushing up against a number of things that are important to a lot of people and issues relating to the classroom. Emotions start to feed into it when people’s belief systems come into play,” he said.

Defending this teacher by saying this issue isn’t right or wrong?  There’s the American education system bringing down our civilization.