Ballot Initiatives for Sale

Well, my State House Representative–Amy Stevens–tried, but it looks like the Democrats still prefer to be able to pay people to keep initiatives off the Colorado ballot.

The House State Affairs Committee killed a bill Tuesday that would have made it illegal to remove a ballot initiative in exchange for compensation of any kind.

Rep. Amy Stephens, R-Monument, sponsored the legislation in response to a 2008 pre-election deal between business leaders and unions that resulted in the removal of four anti-business initiatives from the statewide ballot in exchange for $3 million to the unions.

Now doesn’t that present an interesting situation?  Here’s how Jon Caldera described it:

Jon Caldara, president of the Independence Institute, testified in favor of the bill. He was a primary backer of Amendment 49 and told the committee that on the eve of the deadline to remove initiatives from the ballot, he was offered $800,000 to pull the initiative. “What an idiot I was not to take that $800,000,” Caldara said, sarcastically adding he now has incentive to put bad measures on the ballot in order to gain financial benefit.

Wouldn’t some slick little hustler have a field day with this kind of setup – which the Democrats and unions stood up for:

Democrat go-to attorney Mark Grueskin, who served as legal counsel for the unions during the 2008 election, testified in opposition. He argued the bill would violate free speech by banning a monetary exchange for removing a ballot measure. “Like it or not money is speech under both [the Colorado and U.S.] Constitutions,” he said.

The bill was ultimately killed on a 6 to 5 vote, with McCann being the only Democrat to vote in favor. Stephens was disappointed, but said she would continue to pursue the issue. “Now that we know those are the terms, we have a new Chicago-style politics,” she said.

Sen. Mike Kopp, R-Littleton, was the bill’s Senate sponsor and called its defeat the “Blagojevich-ization” of Colorado.

Not the best of pictures, but Amy is looking on there in the center

Not the best of pictures, but Amy is looking on there in the center

I just love that “money is speech” line from a Democrat Union attorney.  These are the ones who want to place restrictions on Republican money and then throw their slush funds behind the latest crook (nee The Messiah) while their oppoents hands are tied.

Anybody want to work to get some union-busting ballot initiative going?  We can split the bucks when the thugs come to pay us off.

To Heck with Any Of This Conservative Outreach

Marie Coco has an illuminating article today about Obama and “the Right”:

Nonetheless he (Obama) keeps telling congressional Republicans that he will work with them — even though they are among the chief architects of this disaster. Since the Reagan era, Republicans have put tax cuts ahead of all other economic policies, and deregulation a close second. They have stuffed wallets that already were plump, left the broad middle class staggering and allowed the working class to become the working poor. If these politicians that Obama so fervently wishes to engage have such good ideas to offer, why have they not done so? In fact, there are few Washington traditions as annoying as the cultish worship of bipartisanship, for it ignores the simple fact that sometimes one party gets things disastrously wrong.

Although this perfectly illustrates the class-warfare and wealth-creation bashing that is the mindset of “progressives” (and more on that later) – I will agree with her on one thing.  Bipartisanship is absolute and utter crap in the context of where America is today.

Any Republican who goes along with this humongous generational theft and Democrat Party re-election slush fund known as the “stimulus” should be cast aside immediately.  Any Republican who thinks they will gain anything from “outreach” should have those outreaching arms chopped off at the elbows.  The only thing they will gain is to further entrench government dependence and subservience on the American people – which is to say they would further cement the downfall of this once-great nation.

There is absolutely nothing that Barack Obama and his socialist administration wishes to accomplish which would a) help America in the long run or b) further Republican views and aims.  Just what part of shutting down Gitmo would make Republicans safer or more electable?  “Oh yes, we supported President Bush, but now that the Messiah has come to town we will go along with his idea that quarantining these two-legged beasts where they can no longer work for our downfall is just an icky idea and we see the light”.  That will work for them?  So when the next election comes around and their Democrat opponent points out just how little they believed in supporting Gitmo and how they “voted for torture” and how they were immoral people with no center – they will not have much to stand on.  Or if you thought Gitmo helped make us more secure, why did you then work to shut it down?  I know that if I were trying to unseat these twerps who have such “flexible” moral imperatives that would be an easy way to position them for the voters.

And especially on this idiotic trillion dollar plus (above and beyond the $700 billion TARP) monstrosity.  Any Republican who supports any of this is simply whistling past the graveyard.  The Democrats know that the spending won’t actually take place till just about time for the mid-year elections when that big boost to the economy will allow them to say “see – we saved you from George W. Bush and the Republican’s efforts to destroy your livelihood”.   And it won’t matter one whit if some gutless RINOs stand up and try to take credit for some birdge or road or anything.  Voters know that if they want goodies, they go to the Democrats.  Democrats are the mommy party – and that especially includes “money for nothing”.

And as for Ms. Coco’s economic arguments – this one just kills me:

Another is the mantra that “entitlements” — that is Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid — are costly, bloated and threaten the nation’s economic future. Obama already has pledged to undertake “entitlement reform,” a phrase that sends a shudder down my spine. With banks and other financial institutions now “entitled” to hundreds of billions in public money to bail them out of disastrous decisions, it is impossible to see why taxpayers who have paid for their future benefits through their payroll taxes should not be “entitled” to receive them. Besides, since there is no immediate crisis in Medicare — and certainly not in the healthier Social Security program — there isn’t even a reason to mention this right now.

Which seems to boil down to three things.  1 – you are paying for Medicare and Social Security (not enough for what is actually needed, but you are paying)  2 – the evil Wall Street bankers got tons of money and 3 – the real problems will happen tomorrow and we can just all Scarlett O’Hara that issue anyway.

And if anything tells you about Democrats and all the huge amounts of spending they plan – that tells you all.

2008 – Idiot Liberal Quotes of the Year

1.  Idiot Dictator Quote of the year:

Naomi Cambell interviews Hugo Chavez

Elsewhere, Chavez found time to defend Venezuela’s human rights record and vaunt his country’s oil reserves, but also gave his views on less weighty matters like fashion, pop music and the British royal family.

Cuba’s Fidel Castro was the world’s most stylish leader, he said (“His uniform is impeccable. His boots are polished. His beard is elegant”), he was aware of the newly-reformed Spice Girls and admired Britain’s Prince Charles.

He also refused to rule out following Russian President Vladimir Putin’s example and posing for topless photographs. “Why not? Touch my muscles,” he reportedly told the supermodel.



2.  Hillary Doozy of the Year

ABC News’ Eloise Harper Reports: Senator Hillary Clinton, in an interview with ABC News’ Cynthia McFadden for ABC News’ Nightline, was asked about President Clinton’s controversial comments about race and Senator Obama  in the past weeks. Clinton apologized for her husband.

“I think whatever he said which was certainly never intended to cause any kind of offense to anyone,” Clinton said, “if it did give offenses then I take responsibility and I’m sorry about that.”

“Can you control him?” asked McFadden.

“Oh of course,” Clinton replied.

The Loving Father and Husband

The Loving Father and Husband


3.  The “Reach Out to the Other Side” Quote of 2008

I Hate Republicans:

I hate the Republican Party and everything it stands for, including, but not limited to, its interest in denying women reproductive health rights, denying children the right to legally recognized two parent homes if their parents are gay, and their not-so-subtle “be afraid of anyone who isn’t pasty white” message.

But I’ve learned to HATE with a passion that I never knew prior to the November 2000 Election, and I will *never* forget it.

Republicans are Evil, and I hate them.



4.  The “I Just Hate People Except for My Six Children” Quote of 2008 – With an Added Bonus Globaloney Warming Kicker

TED TURNER: Not doing it will be catastrophic. We’ll be eight degrees hottest in ten, not ten but 30 or 40 years and basically none of the crops will grow. Most of the people will have died and the rest of us will be cannibals. Civilization will have broken down. The few people left will be living in a failed state — like Somalia or Sudan — and living conditions will be intolerable. The droughts will be so bad there’ll be no more corn grown. Not doing it is suicide. Just like dropping bombs on each other, nuclear weapons is suicide. We’ve got to stop doing the suicidal two things, which are hanging on to our nuclear weapons and after that we’ve got to stabilize the population. When I was born-

CHARLIE ROSE: So what’s wrong with the population?

TURNER: We’re too many people. That’s why we have global warming. We have global warming because too many people are using too much stuff. If there were less people, they’d be using less stuff.



5.  “All My Liberal Friends Say I’m Completely Unbiased” Award

ABC Media Hack shills now for Obama

“I do like McCain and the people around him, and I consider him still to be a friend. But I have fundamental differences with John McCain on the issues and always have. I don’t have any problem criticizing John McCain….It was no secret to the reporters around me that I have Democratic-leaning views. But they said I was always fair.”
— Former ABC and CBS reporter Linda Douglass, now a spokeswoman for Barack Obama, as quoted by the Washington Post’s Howard Kurtz in a June 16 profile.



6.  Media Twit of the Year

CBS News journalist Richard Butler said he believes he was kidnapped in Iraq by policemen with sympathies toward the Hezbollah but isn’t entirely sure who held him captive for two months or why.

Butler, a British journalist kidnapped with his interpreter on Feb. 10, was rescued by Iraqi troops on April 14 when he was found with a sack over his head in a house in Basra.

Butler said he felt it was better to be kidnapped in Iraq then taken into custody by Americans in Afghanistan.

“I was pleased I wasn’t being mortarboarded in Guantanamo or being held for six and a half years like an Al-Jazeera cameraman, for instance,” he said.


Socialist With Knife and Fork Seeking Capitalist With Steak

This provides some wonderfully understandable images that differentiate between socialists (theives) and capitalists (non-theives):

Liberals see a great businessman and think “lucky bastard” or “cheater” – the notion that the man honestly earned his wealth and his success is a possibility that is seldom considered. Rather, they think of the successful businessman as some kind of exploitive tyrant who earned his prize only because he was able to deny it to those beneath him

Liberals don’t even believe that the concept of business risk exists – they view business as a perpetual money pumping, injustice-spewing machine which serves the needs of the few above the many. They never consider the symbiotic relationship between the job providing class and the working class; the idea that jobs have to be created is not one that occurs until an angry, unemployed mob arrives at their doorstop years after the initial advent of socialism. After all, isn’t a job something that each American is utterly entitled to? Jobs are a right, just like health care and an affordable home.

Socialists are merely the crashers at the capitalist dinner party – one capitalist provides the butter, another the wine, another the steak, and then the lone socialist shows up with a knife and fork asking “where’s my fair share, to which I am entitled?”

And after you have paid your federal income tax and state income tax and federal gasoline taxes and state gasoline taxes and state sales tax and county sales tax and local taxing authority sales tax and school property tax and library property tax and county property tax and service provider tax and your road and bridge tolls and your car liscence tax and your driver’s liscence renewal fee and ………

And after all that – the Obamamessiah pops up and says “you bunch over there make too much, I’m just going to take it because I know better and if you object you go to jail”.

At what point does the withdrawal of the consent of the governed occur?  We all know that the coming collapse of the Social Security Ponzi scheme wiill make today’s bailout pale in comparison.  But was Social Security and the $53 trillion of unfunded liabilities in it even mentioned in the past campaign?  Of course not.  Democrats did demogague the taxing of health care beneifts and claim McCain was coming for your Social Security benefits at the very end of the campaign, but isn’t that just standard operating procedure?

President Bush tried to put his political capital to work in 2005 on the Social Security issue and got zero support from his own Republicans.  Apparently the decision has been made to simply let the thing fall apart and deal with the consequences tomorrow – just like Scarlett O’Hara.

And by that time if the Obmanauts have already stolen every incentive for anybody in America to even try and work, just where are they going to get the money from for all those wrinkly Baby Boomers?

RINO Voted Out – Now Wants Obama Admin Position

Christopher Shays has always been a disgrace to the Republican Party.  Now after getting voted out for a “real” Democrat, he comes crawling to the Most High and Holy One asking for more government handouts:

Outgoing Republican Congressman Chris Shays of Connecticut, who lost his bid for a twelfth term this week to Democrat Jim Himes, is eyeing a role within President-elect Barack Obama’s administration.

“This is going to be a very exciting administration,” Shays said during an interview on MSNBC. “I think obviously I’d be interested in doing something that the president was interested in.”

Just how big a weasel is this festering pile of feces?

Shays supported John McCain in the presidential election, though tried to tap into some of Obama’s momentum in his own failed campaign. In an August campaign ad, Shays said he would combine the “hopefulness” of Obama with the “straight talk” of McCain.

I’m sure your willingness to get down on your kness before the Great God Obama will be amusing to him.


clipped from
By David Axelrod, Associated Press
Media Bubble, Oct. 23 — Republican Vice Presidential candidate Sarah Palin has come under fire in recent days after it was revealed that earlier this year, a drive-through meal purchased by the Alaskan Governor contained more than the usual number of french fries.

After days of controversy and several evasions (“I sure don’t remember specific details about a fast food run I made last winter. Aren’t you being a little silly?”), Palin yesterday acknowledged responsibility for her part in the culinary misappropriation widely known as Deliciousgate.
During an appearance in Indianapolis today, President Obama — delivering his speech in front of his usual backdrop, an enormous solid-gold statue of himself — scoffed at the greasy slob’s miserable excuse for her career-ending irresponsibility.
Pres. Obama then emitted a discreet puff of arugula-scented flatulence, curing a nearby blind child.
blog it

Is the Fear of Obama Justified?

I keep seeing things like this from Rick Moran – a great thinker and writer who has called things straight many times – and I just wanted to comment:

But this fear of Obama has so unsettled many conservatives that any words spoken or written that don’t paint him as the devil incarnate, or damn his policies as the second coming of Karl Marx, or express the widespread view among many conservatives that he will trample the constitution, stifle all dissent, surrender to al-Qaeda, and impose socialism on us – gives the anti-intellectuals the idea that anyone who deviates from their “truths” is an Obama supporter and deserving of being cast into the outer darkness.

This is nuts.

and this:

Obama will not turn America into a Marxist state. There will be no gulags or prison camps where conservatives and Obama regime opponents will be rounded up and sent for re-education (even though there is a sizable subset of Obama supporters who would no doubt crave such treatment of righties).

Obama will not cancel future elections, initiate Soviet style restrictions on free speech (more on the Fairness Doctrine later which, btw, is hardly “a Soviet style restriction”), make us stand in line for toilet paper, or place his smiling visage on 10 story high office buildings in order to perpetrate a cult of personality (I think).

Obama will not “take away” your guns, close churches, shutter conservative newspapers, shut down Fox News, darken conservative blogs, or take any other actions that would smack of dictatorship or authoritarianism.

No actions that smack of dictatorship or authoritarianism?  Its crazy not to take these people at their word.  For example:

Fairness Doctrine – with a wave of your hand you would let the one area of conservative media that can be accessed?  The Democrats in Congress have let out notice after notice after notice that they are coming for talk radio and nothing will stop them.  There is a mention that big corporations are involved, but radio is peanuts for them, so you can simply believe they will be bought off by a Congress willing to shove yet another big pile of billions through the till.  And then what?  Encouraged by their shutdown wouldn’t they come for the internet?  Obama is already talking about appointing a National Chief Technology Officer to his cabinet and then why not nationalize the broadband carriers and enforce them.  All in the name of fairness?

Would such a thing happen all at once?  Of course not.  First they need to get the Supreme Court jiggered to ensure their outcome and the walking dead there are all liberals anyway – so it might take a while.  But why not make sure you get that Rush Limbaugh guy shut up and take your chances with the courts?  They keep saying they will.  Why are you so reluctant to believe them.

Electoral College – For years now the “antiquated and outdated” electoral college has been railed against by liberals.  They have passed laws in several states trying to get around that whole messy Constitutional Amendment requirement that should be followed if they really wish to change this fundamental part of our system – just having votes distributed based on the split of the popular vote.  However, that is only within a state and until they can get all states it doesn’t help as much.  Do you not think they would put on the pressure – and then ACORN can register lots of nice fake voters in the big cities and control every single election for the future.

Would Americans put up with it?  They are in the third full generation of public education by the unions.  Most of them don’t even really understand the Electoral College or the implications of giving the country away to those willing to cheat with its repeal – in theory or in fact.  Is this a fighting issue for anybody?  It would be pooh-poohed by the media as just a technical change to get rid of a nonsensical and undemocratic system set up by a bunch of rich white men hundreds of years ago who didn’t understand the needs of modern society.

The Democrats are actively working in every state to accomplish this by stealth.  Shouldn’t we take them at their word?  Or is that just nuts.

Voter Fraud – Today we see the beginning of a tidal wave of non-existent voters from ACORN and their allies.  Would an Obama justice system investigate any fraud related to ACORN?  They will jump right on any claim against Republicans, but if the whole voting system is stacked to such an extent that no matter how many real votes there are the Democrats come out as winners – wouldn’t that sort of be something to worry about?

Nuts?  Its happening right in front of our eyes today.

So no, I don’t think I’ll have to stand in line for toliet paper or see churches closed (I might see them stripped of their tax-exempt status).  I already see socialism being imposed on us with a Republican administration (nationalized banks, nationalized insurance companies, soon to be nationalized health care) and I oppose it.  I see Democrats in Congress holding hearings on how they can steal all private pension money in the name of “safety” – as Argentina already is moving to do.

I don’t see Obama as a devil, or a Muslim, or much more than an empty suit who can read a teleprompter.  I do see him as the lever to put in place so many things to thwart conservatives and bring forward dependance that we might eventually end up with 2, 3, maybe even 5 or so little balkanized Americas in 20 years though.